Lemonade/ Limonada!

先日の土曜に私の3人の生徒とカフェ(もしかしたらレストランかも 笑)に飲み物とチャットをしに行ってきました。
結局我々は数時間話し込んだわけですが 笑
私はレモネードを頼んだのですが、あれがしばらくぶりのレモネードだったもので、とてもリフレッシィングでさっぱりとしていてとても幸せでした。 笑
とても変ですよね 笑 しかし前述のとおり、とてもとてもおいしかったです!
そのカフェはPlaza Isabel La Católica の近くなのでもしあなたがラパスに来るようであれば電話をご一報ください。
So the other day ('t was Saturday), I went to a cafe (might be a restaurant lol) with 3 of my students for a drink and a chat.
We ended up talking to each other for hours. lol
I had a lemonade and it was actually the first time I had a lemonade in forever. It was really refreshing and so fresh that it made my day! lol
So, typically if you say lemonade, you picture a pink beverage right? Well sometimes it is yellow too.
What color do you think it was??
It was ...... white!!
Yes, that is weird. HOWEVER, like I said it was really really really tasty!
And it was only 3 Bolivianos which is about 50 cents in US Dollar!
Maybe it was just because my friend and I were both friends with the owner, so he may have given us a special discount, but it was a really great experience.
It is located close to Plaza Isabel La Católica so if you come here to La Paz, give us a ring. Let's go there together for a great lemonade! ;)